When we look at how delicate creations of God are , we can’t help but to sigh or cry in awe . The beauty of nature cannot be explained by words . Have you ever wondered how it would be to zoom into the microscopic structures of life science to study about them only to fall in love head over heels as you gaze over their perfectly carved structures ?
We are in an era of selfies but thanks to scientists like Dr Mogana Das Murtey from the University Of Science Malaysia for giving us a sight into the unseen and unknown. He used his expertise to carefully prepare life science samples only to show us that pixels under scanning electron microscopy can be indeed magical. Dr Mogana Das Murtey also explains on the steps on how he went about capturing magnificent images of these breathtaking microscopic structures .
Scientists like Dr Mogana Das Murtey not only proves that he is talented enough to walk the walk but also humble enough to teach us on how to go about attaining perfection. A jewel from the east of Malaysia and a definite inspiration to his students .
On this new year , lets not only start appreciating people around us but also the beauty of nature.
Written by : D.A.M.N
Reach out to Dr Mogana Das Murtey:
Google scholar : https://scholar.google.com.my/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=Oznu1vEAAAAJ&alert_preview_top_rm=2&citation_for_view=Oznu1vEAAAAJ:qjMakFHDy7sC
Linked in : https://www.linkedin.com/in/mogana-das-murtey-86879a114
University : https://experts.usm.my/index.php/main/myexpertcv/QnVxS2RiV1E5Mk5CN3ZBREhWOFV1UT09