In the year 2024, the fires of war and conflict continue to burn in various parts of the world. These wars took millions of innocent lives and also had a profound impact on global politics and economy.
Russia-Ukraine War – This war reached its climax in 2024. Both countries used modern weapons and military strategies. Ukraine received strong support from the West, while Russia used its military power and energy supplies as weapons.
Israel-Hamas War – The conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Middle East has turned the Gaza Strip into a battlefield. The war displaced thousands of people and created a massive humanitarian crisis. Attempts at peace talks failed and tensions in the region persisted. Millions of people lost their lives in this war.
Israel-Hezbollah and Israel-Iran tensions – Clashes on the Lebanon border between Israel and Hezbollah intensified. In the war with Hezbollah, Israel eliminated Nasrallah, who commanded the organization for 3 decades. Also eliminated the entire top leadership of Hezbollah.
After nearly 14 months of war, Israel and Hezbollah agreed to a ceasefire. So the tension between Israel and Iran was also strained. Israel has stepped up airstrikes over Iran's nuclear program, while Iran has also threatened to retaliate.
Civil War in Syria – In 2024, Syria has once again become a battlefield. The ongoing conflict between government forces, rebels and ISIS worsened the situation. Russia and Iran's support for the Syrian government and the US and other countries' aid to the rebel groups complicated the conflict, and eventually the Assad government collapsed and the country was engulfed in war.
All these wars left the world in uncertainty. Millions of people were displaced, many lost their lives, the global economy weakened and peace efforts appeared to be failing. 2024 turned out to be a year that made humanity deeply aware of the tragedy of war. (Image – Getty Images)
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