On February 1, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman launched a scheme for 300 units of free electricity in the interim budget. Now the Jharkhand government has announced to increase the free electricity limit for its local consumers. The new Chief Minister of the state, Champai Soren, has decided to increase this limit to 125 units from the current 100 units per month. Chief Minister Champai Soren has directed the Energy Department to prepare a proposal in this regard.
The scheme was launched in 2022
An official statement from the Jharkhand government said that consumers will now be provided free electricity up to 125 units instead of 100 units. Let us tell you that with the aim of reducing the financial burden of the people, the state government had launched a scheme of 100 units of free electricity in 2022.
The scheme is applicable for domestic connections of 100 units of electricity consumption per month. Earlier on February 2, Champai Soren, who became the Chief Minister of Jharkhand, also asked all the departments to accelerate their budget expenditure so as to achieve the targets for the current financial year.
Announcement in Interim Budget
In the budget, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced to install solar panels on the roofs of one crore houses. According to which the beneficiaries will get up to 300 units of free electricity and save up to Rs 18,000 per year. Recently Union Minister RK Singh said that solar panels will be installed on the roofs of one crore families’ houses.
The work from installation to maintenance will be done by the government. RK Singh said that the government is giving 40 percent subsidy up to 3 kilowatts, which will be increased to 60 percent. The solar system that will be installed on the roof will generate more than 300 units of electricity. Public sector companies will be able to repay loans with this additional electricity.
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