RailTel said in a statement, “RailTel Corporation of India Limited has received a work order from Prasar Bharti Broadcasting Corporation of India for design, development, implementation, operation and maintenance. This order is Rs. 139.73 crores.”
Shares of Railtel Corporation of India Limited have gained 126.83 percent in six months and 223.61 percent in one year. Also Railtel is one of the most profitable railway stocks.
The stock gained 11.20 percent in the six months and 20.53 percent in the year
It has outperformed the benchmark Nifty50, which has gained 11.20 percent in the six months and 20.53 percent in the year. Its 52-week high is Rs.459.30 and its 52-week low is Rs.96.20. The market cap of the company is Rs. 12,075.3 crores.
RailTel Corporation of India Limited’s profit and revenue increased in the December quarter. The company’s revenue grew by 47 percent in the quarter ended December 31, 2023.
Increase the company’s revenue
Last year’s revenue of the company was Rs. 454 crore in the December quarter of the current financial year to Rs. 668 crore has been done. Net profit during this period was Rs. 32 crore increased by 93 percent to Rs. 62 crore has been made.
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