Sunday has been declared a holiday in India for a long time. Not one but every region has a public holiday on Sunday. Importantly, there is not one but several reasons behind this Sunday holiday.
From a religious point of view, in Christianity, Sunday is considered the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, so this day is set aside for special worship and rest.
In Judaism, Saturday (Shabbat) is considered a day of rest, but this concept evolved into the Sunday holiday in Western countries.
After the Industrial Revolution during the 19th century, the Sunday holiday tradition began in Western countries for the working class. Workers were given a day off after the working day of the week, so that they could rest and participate in religious activities.
Sunday Holiday in India : The practice of Sunday holiday started in India during the British rule as it was a part of the rules of the British Empire. Gradually this tradition spread in Indian society and Sunday was established as a holiday.
Thus, the practice of taking Sunday off is linked to religious, social and labor rights, and over time has become an important tradition of modern society.
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