The Managing Committee of Siddhivinayak Ganapati Temple in Mumbai on Tuesday announced the implementation of the dress code for all the devotees coming to the temple. The Management Committee has issued a statement saying that devotees coming to the Ganapati Temple of Shri Siddhivinayak should wear clothes that maintain etiquette and respect the sanctity. Inappropriate dressers like torn jeans, skirts, loose clothes or short clothes will not be allowed to see Lord Ganapati in the temple.
The decision was taken because of this
The Temple Trust has taken this decision to implement the guidelines for the purpose of maintaining the sanctity and dignity of the sacred place. The guidelines issued by the temple administration states that if any short clothes come in, they will not be allowed to enter the temple premises.
The dress code will be applicable for both men and women
In an official statement, the Siddhivinayak Trust announced that only devotees dressed in traditional Indian attire or whole body will be admitted for darshan. The new policy emphasizes the importance of wearing simplicity in accordance with Indian cultural and religious values so that all visitors ensure the comfort and respect of all visitors.
This dress code applies to both men and women. This rule is consistent with similar rules in other major temples across the country, especially in South India. In some temples, visitors who wear improper attire are given shawl, scarf or dhoti so that the sanctity and dignity of the holy place should be maintained before entering the temple.
On the other hand, the newly married couples will now get direct entry into Shri Vitthal Rukmini Bhagwan Temple in Pandharpur, Maharashtra. Couples will now be able to see directly. This information is provided by the temple administration.