There is good news for those who invest in Paytm shares. Investment Research Firm Macquerie has raised the target price of Paytm from Rs 325 to Rs 730. This change came after the results of the third quarter of Paytm. Paytm was Rs. 1,828 crore operating income. This income is an increase of 10 % compared to the previous quarters.
The company's net loss also dropped to Rs. 208 crore. Which was Rs 442 crore in the last quarter. Macquerie said in its report that Paytm's results are better than its estimate. This is possible due to the increase in the company's income and the decline in costs. This is good news for those who invest in Paytm shares. Improvement in the company's results and the increase in the target price of Macqueries may increase the stock.
Paytm has taken several steps to improve its business. The company has focused on its main business.
In addition, the company has raised Rs 2,372 crore by selling its stake in Japan. In February 2024, Macquerie released a report on Paytm. There were questions on the existence of the company. At that time, McWary estimated the revenue of FY2222. 42.2 billion was kept. It is now increased to Rs. 66.8 billion.
The previous estimates of Macquerie on the brand of Paytm have been proven wrong. In October 2024, PayTM has been approved by the RBI to onboard new UPI users. The number of its subscribers has also increased. Macquari has now raised the target price of PayTM, its stock price can rise, thus the PayTM investors are likely to benefit.
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