A wedding home is a happy atmosphere. It is very important that the atmosphere in a wedding house is positive. But ignoring some of the rules related to the reality can affect your happiness. Some things should be avoided in a wedding house.
The wedding house should not keep pictures related to war. If there is a picture related to the Mahabharata war in the house, it should be removed as well. This spreads negativity in a happy environment.
Many people decorate their home with indoor plants. This is okay in normal days. But, if there is a wedding in the house, thorny plants such as cactus or prickly pears should be removed. This causes problems.
A mirror should not be placed in a happy marriage house. The south direction is called Yama Direction, so no auspicious work should be organized in the south side of the house.
People often wreath on pictures of ancestors or gods in their home and forget them. If someone is getting married in the house, keep in mind that dried flowers should not be left on photographs. This should be removed or replaced with new.
The purchase of a wedding at home begins several days in advance. Often the luggage is too high, so people throw it here. Keep in mind that good things like Mars and jewelry should not be kept in the south direction.
Colors are also of special importance in the wedding home. Use lighter and cold colors. These colors promote positive energy.