A major accident has occurred near Paranda railway station in Jalgaon, Maharashtra. Amidst rumors of a fire in the Pushpak Express, passengers started jumping off the train. During this time, several passengers were killed after being hit by another train. In Maharashtra's Jalgaon district, passengers of another train that derailed after chain pulling were crushed by the train, an official said.
According to ANI, several passengers of the Pushpak Express stood outside their coach in Jalgaon, Maharashtra, suspecting a fire in the train. During this time he was hit by the Karnataka Express train. As soon as the information about the accident was received, the railway officials and other employees reached the spot.
Maharashtra | Passengers of Pushpak Express were hit by Karnataka Express train in Jalgaon District. The passengers were outside their coaches suspecting some fire in the train. Railway officials and other staff have reached the spot. More details awaited. pic.twitter.com/SOUfu9lO7y
— ANI (@ANI) January 22, 2025