When challenges arise in life, many people succumb to depression because they fall into a victim mentality. On the contrary, the Law of Attraction states that we aren’t merely victims of fate but designers of our destiny. More specifically, whatever you focus on grows – if you focus on negative outcomes for too long, you will continue to attract negative situations into your life. The same goes for the positive outcomes in your life. As the experts behind this philosophy astutely put it, “like attracts like.”
However, believing in the Law of Attraction doesn’t guarantee that you will never face negative situations in life. Bad things happen to everyone – it’s a fact. In fact, most people acknowledge that life is a balance of good and bad.
The Law of Attraction vs. constant positivity
Unfortunately, some people interpret the Law of Attraction as a guarantee that they will never have to deal with negative situations in life. While being positive is a good thing, denying any room for negative experiences and the negative emotions that come with them can quickly turn into toxic positivity.
While enduring positivity in the face of any situation might seem admirable, this mindset is can actually be emotionally detrimental. After all, when you’re faced with a negative situation and you refuse to process it and accept the negative emotions that come with it, the only other option is to internalize the stress. Without a healthy outlet, this stress then manifests itself in other ways. While you may think that you’ve pushed the negative emotions out of sight, you might find yourself getting sick for no logical reason.
People who avoid processing negative emotions frequently report suffering insomnia, migraines and body aches that spring out of nowhere. There is a scientific explanation for this – repressing emotions actually weakens your immune system. In addition to compromising your immunity, by repressing emotions you risk having them build up. Sooner or later, these pent-up emotions will need a healthy outlet and you will explode. Emotional outbursts that seem to spring out of nowhere are frequently the result of pent-up emotions that you have refused to acknowledge over a period of time.
A balanced approach to the Law of Attraction
The proponents of the Law of Attraction never intended to deny the existence of negative situations in life. On the contrary, the Law of Attraction was intended to help people leverage the power of positivity in both good and bad situations. When things are going well, focusing on that can help you attract more good into your life. On the other hand, when things are going badly, you can sit in those negative emotions for a while. Feeling and processing those emotions then choosing to move forward with positivity can help you find peace of mind and move into a better phase of life. According to the Law of Positivity, wallowing in self-pity for a protracted period of time will do the exact opposite. Rather than moving forward, you will remain weighed down by negativity, and you will continue to attract even more negativity into your life.
In short, the Law of Attraction suggests that you acknowledge any negative emotions while also finding a way to move forward into more positive outcomes in the future.
How Unlock the Universe Manifestation Journal can transform your life
After years of studying spirituality, mental health and the Law of Attraction, Paige Cormier was inspired to create a journal that would help people all over the world to transform their lives. Cormier believes that by tapping into the power of your mind, you can turn your dreams into reality. She created Unlock the Universe Manifestation Journal to help you do just that.
This journal is packed with 200 pages of knowledge and tips that draw on the Law of Attraction. Furthermore, the journal enlightens you on how you can leverage this law to manifest your dreams or desires. Beyond that, it’s packed with lessons and tools to help you change your actions, feelings, and thoughts to get what you desire in life.
If you want to fulfill your purpose or dreams in life, Unlock the Universe offers a quick route to it. Getting yourself this journal is an opportunity to fix the drawbacks that have been preventing you from progressing in life. And if things have been progressing well in your life lately, you can still reach for more success. Unlock the Universe is designed by a female expert in the fields of spirituality and manifestation to ensure you accomplish all your dreams.
Benefits of Unlock the Universe
Makes you Happier
If you are experiencing sadness or depression, this journal will help you process these emotions in a healthy way and move past them. Beyond that, this journal will help you build a habit of writing down stressful things and situations in life. With every detail you put down in writing, the burden in your heart lessens. In a 2013 study, it was revealed that participants who were journaling daily had lower depression scores.
Helps you with manifestation
As simple as it sounds, manifestation is not a walk in the park. You don’t just wake up and become a pro at it. It takes time and resources. Luckily, this journal has all the resources you need to manifest your desires. It includes a comprehensive guide on the different ways to manifest your goals.
Helps with mindfulness
Mindfulness is an important part of the journey to being successful. It enlightens you on your present situation, helps you with acceptance of difficult situations, and motivates you to move forward. This journal includes lessons in mindfulness so that you can incorporate this into your life.
Better communication skills
The more you journal, the better your communication skills become. Journaling also helps with self-expression. The more you put your thoughts down on paper, the better you become at translating them into words.
Easier to fulfill your dreams
Oftentimes we fail in achieving our desires because we haven’t identified exactly what we want. When you haven’t taken time to reflect on what you want, it’s easy to be controlled by societal expectations of what you should want. Luckily, this journal has all the tools you need to clarify your desires and discover your true purpose in life. Besides helping you gain clarity, this journal also guides you on how to achieve these desires.
Getting Started
Hard times and unrealized dreams shouldn’t get you down. There’s no reason to get stuck in a rut when things aren’t going well. You shouldn’t get complacent when things are looking up either. Learning the art of manifestation can go a long way towards helping you unlock your true potential and unleash all your desires.
Paige Cormier believes that everyone has a shot at manifesting and living a prosperous future. With Unlock the Universe, you can finally turn your dreams into reality and live the future you’ve always envisioned.
To get this journal, click here. You can also keep tabs on updates and upcoming events via their social channels like Instagram and YouTube.