LIKE most stores, Aldi has long relied on tiny pieces of paper for their price tags.
But according to eagle-eyed shoppers, the popular bargain retailer has now introduced a more modern system – tiny digital screens.

The discovery, which has since blown people’s minds, was shared on TikTok by Jenna (@jennatheravenuk) who spotted it not so long ago.
”Oh my God, my entire life has been a lie,” the shopper said in her video.
Zooming in a screen that appeared to be flicking, Jenna went on: ”Did anyone else think the prices in Aldi were pieces of paper?
”Because I was today years old when I found out that they are screens.
”And I only found out today because there was a glitch on one of them.
”Is this every shop or is it just Aldi?” the shoppe wanted to know.
”Did anyone else know this – or am I just behind?”
Luckily for Jenna, she wasn’t the last one to discover this – loads of people were stunned by the news and flocked to comments.
”Wait … what?! [shocked emoji]” a TikTok user was lost for words.
Another added: ”omg [shocked emoji].”
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One person explained: ”It’s a new feature currently being rolled out across stores, it’s to cut back on paper and save time and money changing price cards daily.”
Some also noted that they hadn’t yet seen this in their local store and that Jenna’s must be a posh one.
”Naaaa that’s just your Aldi love,” a viewer chuckled.
Were you aware of this? Let us know in the comments.
If you’re going to be popping down to Aldi to see this for yourself, don’t forget to check out their latest additions to the famous middle aisle.
The store recently revealed what to bag next time you’re in the store – and there are loads of festive bits perfect for last minute prezzies.
According to Aldi who shared the exciting news on TikTok, there are also some more practical finds, such as a windscreen cover for £7.99.
If you’re looking to give your home a more festive feeling, then their wooden trivet with snowflake design is a must and it retails for £5.99.
Speaking of all things Christmas, Aldi also offers luxury gift wrap that can be bagged at £3.99.
This year, there are plenty of designs to choose from – a stunning red, gold, deep navy with gold elements, as well as a more fun white with a festive print.
Aldi fans will know that the brand has really stepped up their game with make-up and skincare, and this time is no exception.
If you or your loved one is after a rich day cream, Lacura’s latest range includes a £7.99 gold caviar day cream, which is designed with anti-ageing properties.
Of course, Christmas also comes with get-togethers, and to make them more fun and memorable, Aldi now offers party games for £4.99.
This week, the store revealed in the video, you will also be able to get your hands on cosy furry sliders for £6.99, as well as a Chupa Chups car air freshener for just £1.29.