Keir must not fool voters on eco plans
SLIPPERY Sir Keir Starmer is quietly trying to wriggle out of his reckless £28 billion eco splurge.
The Labour leader is now plotting behind the scenes to water down or junk his key commitment to borrow the staggering sum to splash on environmental projects.

Just days after figures showed Labour’s green fantasy could add almost £2,000 to the average mortgage, news of a potential U-turn is cosily leaked to the party’s favourite paper The Guardian.
The truth is Sir Keir has been rumbled. The green plan, launched with a massive fanfare at Labour conference, is his flagship economic policy and one of the few he has actually committed to.
But his figures simply do not add up. Borrowing billions more could drive up interest rates again just as inflation falls and we have the chance to bring them down.
Sneaky Sir Keir cannot be allowed to pull the wool over the eyes of voters by pretending this massive commitment never existed.
If he wants to be taken seriously on the economy he must do two things.
Firstly stand up in the Commons and explain to the ranting eco-idiots in his own ranks why he is ditching this policy.
Secondly sack the green zealot behind the spending spree, Climate Change Shadow Secretary Ed Miliband.
Red Ed would happily blow billions more without worrying who picks up the bill.
Why should we trust Labour while he remains on the front bench?
Unite behind Rishi
OUR poll today has several warnings for Rishi Sunak — but he still has all to play for.
Not surprisingly, most voters are fed up with bitter Tory infighting.
So the PM cannot afford to start the New Year with his own MPs at each other’s throats.
They must realise that standing together is their only hope of survival at the election.
The poll also found a significant percentage of voters are far from sold on Sir Keir Starmer, whose own policies – or lack of – are now coming under proper scrutiny.
Rishi must come out fighting with meaningful tax cuts and lower living costs in the New Year.
But he needs a united army behind him.
Family’s best gift of all
IT HAS been a year of turmoil, war and economic gloom.
But Christmas gives you a chance to forget the world’s troubles and realise that time with family and friends is the best prezzie of all.
Happy Christmas to all our readers.