As the owner of a carpet, you know that no other surface in your area will attract dust and hard stains like a beautiful carpet. Nevertheless, despite this, the soft and comfortable feeling provided by the carpet is worth your effort. Wouldn’t it be great if you know smart carpet cleaning techniques that can be used in every situation? Read on to discover amazing techniques that you can rely on when the carpet needs to be cleaned well. Before moving forward we would like to share on of the best carpet cleaner Birmingham service.
Handle stains carefully-of course, you must like fluffy carpets, and ugly stains are the last thing you want to see on the surface. However, once spillage occurs, suppress your initial reaction to wipe the stain, but instead stain it. Otherwise, you will push the dust deeper into the carpet fibers, making cleaning more difficult. To stain the spot like a professional, please work from its edge towards the center and use a clean white towel or paper towel.

Use a squeegee to remove pet hair-a furry pet friend at home guarantees that pet hair will fall on the carpet sooner or later. Although many people believe that short-haired pets and carpets are the worst combination, because their fur will stick to the carpet, and even a vacuum cleaner cannot clean the carpet perfectly. Don’t be afraid, just grab your squeegee and wet its blade. Turn over the carpet with a tool, and the fur will follow your movement. Collect the hair and remove the dirt until the next cleaning.
Healing dents on carpets-Another problem that carpets often face is that those unsightly dents can ruin their excellent appearance. This is a clever trick that can help you restore the perfect vision of the carpet-just place an ice cube in the dent and wait a few minutes for the fiber to lift. To avoid this problem in the future, place the furniture cushion under your furniture to prevent the carpet from sinking.
Create a natural carpet cleaner-do you like environmentally friendly cleaning technology? If so, you will use this homemade carpet cleaning solution to remove all kinds of stains. Throw away the store-bought detergent and mix water, a quarter cup of vinegar and half a cup of hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle. To add a lovely fragrance to the mixture, add a few drops of essential oils to the formula. Next time you need to solve a stubborn carpet problem, please stand on the green side and continue to use your own DIY products.
If you are are looking for best service providers then you must consider Carpet cleaning Birmingham and you would be in love with there service.
Against oily stains-if you have ever spilled greasy dishes on the carpet, you will be painfully aware of the difficulty of removing these stains. Fortunately, you can rely on another natural ingredient to solve the mess-baking soda. Sprinkle a large amount of baking soda on the oily stain, let it sit for at least a few hours, and then vacuum the area. The goal here is to make the baking soda absorb as much spill as possible, not to eliminate it. In this way, you will get a lighter and more stubborn stain removal.
Say goodbye to the old point-finally, you have found the time to solve the ugly old stains on the beige carpet, but how can you easily restore the carpet? The solution is very simple-shaving cream. Rub a large amount of product into the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. This treatment works well when you face light carpets that usually attract dirt. As a bonus, your carpet will feel very soft after the operation, just like the one you just bought from the showroom.