Anant Ambani, the younger son of Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani, is set to marry Radhika Merchant soon. The pre-wedding functions are going to start in a few days before their wedding. Before this, Anant Ambani has made a big statement. Anant has described Akash Ambani as a brother like ‘Ram’.
In an interview to a TV channel, Anant Ambani said that he is not afraid of the dispute between his father and uncle Anil Ambani over the division of wealth. His elder brother Akash is exactly like Rama.
It may be mentioned that there was a big controversy in the previous generation of Reliance family regarding the partition. Mata Kokilaben had to intervene in the fight between Mukesh Ambani and Anil Ambani. After this the business of Reliance was divided. Mukesh Ambani got the reins of Reliance Industries, while Anil Ambani got businesses like Reliance Telecommunications and Reliance Capital.
Anant Ambani in discussion about ‘Vantara’
Apart from marriage, Anant Ambani is currently in the news for his dream project ‘Vantara’. ‘Vantara’ is a world-class animal sanctuary built in Jamnagar Refinery Complex of Reliance Industries. It is developed in a green belt spread over 3000 acres. This is one of the largest animal rescue and rehabilitation centers in the world. Injured animals are brought here from all over the world. Here they are cared for, treated and rehabilitated along with saving them from the clutches of death.
Arrangements have been made here to provide the animals with a forest-like environment. So along with the green land, the natural water bodies have also been fully taken care of. Currently, the center has around 2,000 rescued animals.
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