The exit polls came out with the completion of voting in the final phase of the Lok Sabha elections. After that the stock market went very high on the next day. However, from the time the results came to the election of Narendra Modi as the leader of the NDA parliamentary party, the stock market had seen a lot of upswing. Meanwhile, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi made allegations against the Prime Minister, Home Minister and Finance Minister.
Allegations were made against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman that they asked people to buy stocks. For which Rahul Gandhi has now demanded a JPC inquiry. However, BJP also responded that Rahul Gandhi is scaring investors.
A look at Rahul Gandhi's portfolio
Congress leader and MP Rahul Gandhi has alleged the biggest scam in the stock market, but if we look at his own portfolio, he has many shares. In which stocks like Asian Paints and PDLite are also included in his portfolio. If we look at the stocks as mentioned in the affidavit released by Rahul Gandhi during the election, the stock market crash on the day of the result was the loss.
However, now as the stock market was showing improvement, the loss in his portfolio was also recovering. It is believed that during the ups and downs, his portfolio has not only lost but also gained. According to reports, the share market value of his portfolio has now fully recovered on Thursday. So even on Friday, the benefit of a good improvement is being seen in that stock.
This share is in the portfolio
Now let's take a look at Rahul Gandhi's portfolio. Important holdings in MP and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's portfolio include stocks against Infosys, LTI Mindtree, TCS, ITC, Hindustan Unilever, Nestle India, Asian Paints, Pidilite Industries. According to stock market experts, large cap index stocks are shown for defensive sectors. Which gives good profit in long term.
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