India's superstar javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra has given the biggest surprise to the entire country in the first month of 2025. Olympic gold and silver medalist Neeraj Chopra has got married. Neeraj Chopra did not let anyone know and got married secretly in the presence of his family members.
Neeraj informed the world about this on Saturday, January 19, via social media. The person he married is Himani. But who is this Himani who won Neeraj's heart? This question is on everyone's lips.
Everyone wanted to know which girl Neeraj Chopra will marry and when. While sharing the wedding details with the fans, Neeraj only told the fans the name of his wife Himani. But fans also want to know who is Himani?
Actually, Himani's full name is Himani Mor and like Neeraj, she also hails from Haryana. Neeraj hails from Khandara village in Panipat district of Haryana, while Himani hails from Ladsauli village in Sonepat district.
According to a Sportstar report, 25-year-old Himani More did her primary education from a school in Sonepat and then graduated in political science and physical education from Miranda House College, Delhi University. Then he also studied from Southeastern Louisiana University in the state of Louisiana, USA. She not only studied in America, but also played tennis there and started tennis coaching.
Himani also worked as a tennis coach at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire, USA. Currently, she is a graduate assistant at Amherst College in the state of Massachusetts, USA, and apart from coaching the college's women's tennis team, she is also managing it as a whole. She is also pursuing Sports Management (Major) from McCormack Eisenberg School of Management. (All Photo Credit : INSTAGRAM / X / Neeraj Chopra)
Star javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra has made India famous around the world by winning medals in two consecutive Olympics. Click to know all the news related to Olympic Games
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