Online shopping platform Flipkart has launched UPI service ‘Flipkart UPI’. The e-commerce company has launched this service in collaboration with Axis Bank. Currently this service is only released for Android users. Benefits like SuperCoins, Cashback, Milestone Benefits and Brand Vouchers will be available in Flipkart UPI. The company had been testing its UPI service since last year. Now it has been launched for general public.
The new UPI service will be very beneficial for Flipkart customers. They won’t need to go to another app to make a payment while shopping on Flipkart. It is a big step for an e-commerce platform company to provide its own UPI service to its customers. The arrival of Flipkart UPI may increase the problems of companies like Google Pay and PhonePe present in the market.
The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), the organization that develops the UPI service, is also trying to reduce UPI’s reliance on certain companies. Flipkart said that through UPI payment, customers can avail online and offline merchant transactions in the Flipkart marketplace.
Make UPI payments through the Flipkart app
Flipkart’s UPI service comes after Flipkart’s split with the largest UPI player PhonePe in late 2022. Customers can now register for UPI with the @fkaxis handle and make fund transfers and checkout payments using the Flipkart app, the company said in a statement.
Flipkart’s new service is cloud-based
Currently only Android users can use Flipkart UPI. You can register UPI on Flipkart app by clicking on this link. Currently the company has not released this service for iPhone users. Flipkart’s new service is cloud based, which will give people a great experience.
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